Claire's Accessories Nail Wraps

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last week me and my mum where in Claire's Accessories, just having a wee look around when we saw their nail wraps.
Having heard so many good things recently about nail wraps we decided to go ahead and buy them.
At £3 for a pack of 10 they aren't too badly priced. They aren't something I would wear on a daily basis as they only last a few days, and lets face it you can buy a bottle of nail polish for that price!

So we each bought a pack of them. And when we got home my mum wanted to try them out straight away, so I decided to whip the camera out and take pictures of the whole process of applying them.

Well I instantly regretted buying them.
They are not shaped properly at all and left really wide gaps on my mum's nails. I also tried a couple on, but they were the same on my nails as well.

Heres some pictures so you can see what I am talking about:

I really liked the idea of these nail wraps, but really think that Claire's should include different sized wraps and not just give 10 "one size fits all" wraps in the packet. Or maybe sell ones that you cut to size yourself. I think these would be a much better idea, because all in we wasted £6 on products that are no good to us at all.

I don't really like to say something negative about Claire's, as I used to work there as a supervisor for 3 years and I loved it! I typically love all their products, but really think they have missed an opportunity here with these Nail Wraps.